Top Tips For Teaching Yoga In Schools: Tip #28: With A New School Year Comes A New Opportunity For Review

Welcome back!

Many you have already made it across the finish line of this crazy year - congratulations to you! Some of us (myself included) still have a few days left until summer break, and if you’re not there yet, but almost, remember that the end is near!

I hope this summer is what you need it to be: a chance to rest, a chance to grow your business, or a chance to try new things. If growing your business or honing your craft as a kids yoga teacher teaching yoga in schools is on your list, I’d LOVE to support you this summer through my mentorship program. I work with a maximum of 5 mentorship clients each season, and I have a few open spots for anyone who is looking for 1:1 support with getting your foot in the door, creating curriculum, and more.

If that’s not for you, that’s okay too! I’m loving continuing to share these free tips for you, so read on to learn more about the importance of making time for review before you pack up for summer break.

Tip #28: With A New School Year Comes A New Opportunity for Review 

As we all head off on summer break, I want to offer you the idea of making time and space for review--with yourself, AND with your students (if you still have them). Whether you’ll continue to work with the same group of students in the fall, or you’ll begin with a new group of students, making the time and space to reflect and review will only make things run more smoothly. 

If you have time, set aside 5 or 10 minutes to reflect on this school year. What went well in your teaching of yoga / mindfulness to kids? What would you like to change or improve upon for next year? How and where can you make these changes in your classroom and in your teaching?

Once you’ve spent time reflecting, pick one or two of the most essential elements you identified, and create the time and space to implement those changes in your planning and your teaching. If you’re teaching camps this summer, consider that a great place to try out these changes and gather some meaningful feedback before August rolls around.

Finally, make time to review with your students, if you still have them. Ask them what they liked, what they would change, what they would want to see added. Take notes, and figure out how you can implement those changes in the fall.

Tip Takeaway: Set aside time 5-10 minutes to reflect on this school year. Identify any changes you’d like to make in your classroom setup, culture, or curriculum. Then, on a piece of paper, identify 1-2 areas of focus for the fall semester based on your reflection. Be specific!