Top Tips For Teaching Yoga In Schools - Tip #9: Review, Revise, Regroup

Hi there!

It’s late on Tuesday night as I write this, and I just finished wrapping up another amazing session of my 6-week online course, Land Your Dream Job Teaching Yoga In Schools.

Every time I teach this course, I’m reminded why this work lights me up and brings me joy, and how much I love supporting kids yoga teachers on their journey to bring yoga and mindfulness into schools.

The tips I share in this blog are meant to help support and inspire you on your own journey, so I hope this week’s tip resonates, and if it does, please let me know by leaving a comment!


Tip #9: Review, Revise, Regroup 

While “no” doesn’t always mean “no”, the process of finding a school interested in participating in what you have to offer can be long and frustrating. 

You’re going to get rejected. Probably a lot. And that’s okay. I applied to, no joke, at least 25 jobs before I got connected with my principal. 

But what allowed me to find success and land my dream job teaching yoga in schools was my ability to review, revise, and regroup after ever “failed” interview. 

I took notes. I had a spreadsheet. I asked for feedback, and recorded the answers I got. 

Then, I went back to my why, to my vision, to my scope and sequence, and revised. I made changes where I could. I presented myself differently the next time. 

By the time I got my job, I had a lot of knowledge about what principals were looking for, simply because I took notes, asked questions, and was able to review, revise, and regroup after every interview. 

Tip Takeaway: When you don’t get a position, ask for feedback. Write down the answers you get. Use it as a learning experience. Reach out to the principal or who you interviewed with to figure out WHY you didn’t get the job. More often than not, it’s not because of you: it’s because of budget constraints, or scheduling, or other logistical issues you may not be aware of. Ask for feedback, implement changes, and then regroup for your next interview.